Welcome to my website! In the top there are links to my social medias.
First I want everyone to remember that getting a personal trainer is not only for people that are wanting to build muscle and get big. Personal training is for anyone and anything in many ways! Just for a little healthier lifestyle, or maybe your doctor recommends it. Maybe you have a health condition I could assist you with in personal training or maybe you are one of the ones that does want to shape up and get big. Regardless what your need is I’d be glad to become your trainer.
I am currently enrolled as a student with the International Sports Sciences Association and am working hard to earn my training credentials. I am excited to be able to share my knowledge with you as soon as I earn my certification.
Though I am not yet certified, feel free to touch base regarding my progress or to learn how my ISSA education will benefit you. Click on "Contact Me" to send me a message, or give me a call at (336) 572-1991.
Don't hesitate to reach out so you can go ahead and get on board! It is never too early for your interest.
I look forward to being able to help you reach your goals in the very near future!